Learn Korean: Important Principles In Learning Korean

Learning a new language can be fun and interesting at first but after a while, that initial enthusiasm may begin to wear off. If you are learning Korean, and would like to make further progress, I recommend the following principles to learn Korean.

Familiarize yourself with basic common Korean words

It's important that you know a few simple Korean words before you delve into learning grammar and phrases. Learning simple words is relatively easy and this process can help you build confidence in learning Korean. Choose words that you use frequently. For example, the names of fruit, and vegetables, objects like pen, pencil, desk and chair that you encounter often in your daily life. This process can help you become conditioned to thinking objects in terms of Korean. When you hold a pen, you can remind yourself of the name of a pen in Korean.

Listen to the pronunciation of the words you learned

Now that you've memorized a few Korean words and know how to write. It's important that you get the pronunciation right. After all, the point of learning Korean is to understand native speakers talking in Korean. Therefore, I advise you to go ask your Korean friends or colleagues to help you with the pronunciation. Ask them to pronounce it for you, so that you understand what they're saying in Korean. You can also use Google translate or Naver Korean dictionary to listen to the sounds of words in Korean.

Learn Korean Grammar: Beginning With Basic Ones!

Now that you’re familiar with quite a few Korean words and recognise them when you listen to them, you can start to learn Korean grammar. Learning basic sentence order can help you with constructing Korean sentences and use them whenever possible, especially to other Koreans. Additionally, you want to listen to other Koreans as well, so that you understand what they’re saying. There is little point in practising speaking Korean alone when you cannot understand simple sentences spoken to you. So make sure to utilise listening tapes and other listening materials in order to improve your listening skills.

These principles can help you start your Korean language learning. Building confidence is important part of learning. Once you are confident about listening to and speaking a few words and sentences that you’ve learned, you’ll show improvement in your reading, listening and speaking skills faster. You’ll also gradually build momentum because you will have gathered a lot of building block of Korean words and phrases from which you can create more complex sentences and phrases. Learn Korean smart!

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