Korean Listening Exercise - Pronouns (He, She) - 그, 그녀, 걔, 그분

Click on the play button below to listen to the audio recording.

The sentences below are also found in Pronouns (He, She) - 그, 그녀, 걔, 그분.

*Right-click and click 'Save link as' to save this MP3 file.

Casual form (그, He)

그 = He
걔 (usually in spoken Korean)
  • 걔 is a contracted form of 그 애 which means "that guy/gal/boy/girl" 
  • 걔 누구야? = Who is he?

그는 = He + 는 (Topic particle)
걘 (usually in spoken Korean)
  • 걘 is a contracted form of 걔는
  • 걘 축구를 좋아해 = (As for) him, he likes football / soccer.

그가 = He + 가 (Identifier particle)

그도 = He + 도 (Additive particle)

그를 = He + 를 (Object particle)
걜 (usually in spoken Korean)
  • 걜 is a contracted form of 걔를
  • 걜 좋아한데 = (It is said) (she) likes him

그의 = his
  • 걔 (usually in spoken Korean)
  • 걔네 집에서 놀기로 했어 = (It's been decided that) we're gonna hang out/ have fun at his house.

그의 것 = his (written Korean)
  • 걔 꺼 (usually in spoken Korean)
  • 걔 꺼야 = It is his.

Informal form (그녀, She)

그녀 = She
걔 (usually in spoken Korean)
  • 걔 is a contracted form of 그 애 which means "that guy/gal/boy/girl" 

그녀는 = She + 는 (Topic particle)
걘 (usually in spoken Korean)
  • 걘 is a contracted form of 걔는

그녀가 = She + 가 (Identifier particle)

그녀도 = She + 도 (Additive particle)

그녀를 = She + 를 (Object particle)
걜 (usually in spoken Korean)
  • 걜 is a contracted form of 걔를

그녀의 = her
  • 걔 (usually in spoken Korean)

그녀의 것 = hers (written Korean)
  • 걔 꺼 (usually in spoken Korean)

Polite form (그분, He/She)

그분 = He/She (more likely to be used for male. However, the use of 그분 is not that common at all. Most people would rather use the name, title or status of that person.)

그분은 = He/She + 은 (Topic particle)

  • 그분은 바쁘셔서요 = Because he's busy

그분이 = He/She + 이 (Identifier particle)

  • 그분이 정하셨어요 = He decided (He made the decision)

그분도 = He/She + 도 (Additive particle)

  • 그분도 같이 가세요? = Is he going, too?

그분을 = He/She + 를 (Object particle)
  • 그분을 추천할께요 = I recommend him/her

그분의 = his/her
  • 그분 (의 is usually omitted in spoken Korean)
  • 그분 자리는 어디에요? = (As for) his seat, where is it?

그분의 것 = his/hers (written Korean)
  • 그분 꺼 (usually in spoken Korean)


  1. Hi,

    Could you also explain the use of 그대 or 그대여. I often come across it in songs, and noticed that it gets translated as you, but when I try to look up the words in dictionaries I can never find it.

    1. Hi,

      Yes, 그대 means "you."

      It is quite poetic actually.

      그대 is rarely used in spoken Korean, or even written Korean.

      It tends to be used in poems and songs.

      그대 is also commonly used to refer to someone you love/admire romantically.

      여 is attached to 그대 to make 그대여 and it's a way of calling 그대.

      그대 means "you" (often, someone you love), and when you actually call that person you love, you'd say "그대여~~" but it's almost exclusively used in poems and songs rather than used directly in normal conversations.

      Hope this helps with the clarification!

  2. thank you very much for the explanation!


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