Quick Announcement

Hello everyone!

I was compelled to write this quick announcement regarding the new Google Translate features.
The google translate now features "Listen" which allows you to listen to the pronunciation of the Korean you type.

Please check it out if you'd like to listen to the proper pronunciations of certain Korean words!
I believe it will be of a good resource for your listening and speaking exercises.


나는 세계 여행했어요!  lol


  1. This is great! Thank you for sharing this. I discovered your blog recently and it has been extremely helpful. I appreciate you taking the time to share your knowledge with us Korean learners!

  2. This is great! Thank you for sharing this. I recently discovered your blog and it has been very helpful. I'm studying independently so I always appreciate the time and effort of people willing to share their knowledge!

  3. This means you're back?! I welcome you with open arms. Been checking your site once in a while, hoping you'd post something during your break haha


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