
This Archives page lists all the posts I've posted so far in reverse chronological order.

You may want to use a Ctrl+F function to locate the article you're looking for.

Big thanks to Jacqueline on how to make an archives page!

1 comment:

  1. Hey Luke,
    I love this website! I was so happy seeing that you are also a follower of Jesus Christ! Korean is my major in university and I also want to learn how to share the good news in korean ^_^ . Would you mind creating vocabulary lists or something like that? ( words like: Bible verse, worshiping,God's power etc.) I tried to find out on my own but it is not that easy and I'm worried I might not sound natural. I can quote a few bible verses in korean, but do I say the numbers in sino or pure korean? how do I say like 3:23 삼 장 이십삼 절? Looking forward to your answer! Thanks and may God bless you~
    Greetings from Hamburg/Germany


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