Reading and Listening Exercises

Please check out the audio recordings of my own voice on the far right-hand column of this blog for Korean listening and speaking exercises.

I also include my own first few audio recordings in Korean below.

Audio Recordings:

Also, try the following website by NAVER.

The page has a plenty of resources for reading and listening exercises which include Korean fairy tales and Aesop's fables.

You could also learn a lot of new Korean words.


  1. Wonderful! I told my friends that there is no Korean grammar site on the internet that is as good as yours.
    I would really like to thank you personally. Korean people are always asking me how come I sound so fluent ^ ^
    My email is and my name is hamza. I wrote a comment to you a while ago trying to encourage you to continue your blog. If you have skype, then we can have a korean conversation. You can send me an email with your skyp username or contact info.

    Luke Park Sonsaengnim fighting!!!

  2. I totally agree with Anonymous...Your website is the best for studying Korean Grammar. 감사합니다 박교수님 ^^

  3. Thank you for your comments, Anonymous, David and Nat Hakao!!
    I really appreciate your compliments.

    Currently, I'm in Japan as a Working Holiday maker. I intend to stay here for a year. I'm now learning the language and looking for part-time work. So I don't have as much free time as before but I intend to continually post resources for learning Korean as the time allows.

    I encourage all of you to use as many resources available on the internet as you can, and treat my blog as one of the means to help improve your Korean.

    Thank you all who visit my blog, it is my privilege to make what I know of the Korean language available to you. :)

  4. hey! i have been reading the comments above and im really excited on going through this blog. i hope it would be of much help in my studying :)

  5. Thank you for helping us learn korean. U did a great job. Continue it when u have time. I'll be waiting for next lesson.


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