
Korean Listening Exercise - Particles - 만 [only]

Click on the play button below to listen to the audio recording.

For more explanations on the following sentences below, please refer to the lesson, Particles - 만 [only].

*Right-click and click 'Save link as' to save this MP3 file.

  • 나만 떠났다. = Only I left.
  • 아빠만 TV(티비)를 보셨다. = Only Dad watched TV.
  • 룻만 이스라엘에 왔다. = Only Ruth came to Israel.
  • 물만 마셨다. = I drank only water.
  • 스티븐은 구두만 샀다. = Stephen bought only shoes.
  • 오직 나만 먹었다. = Only I ate.
  • 오직 폴만 한국어를 공부했다. = Only Paul studied Korean.
  • 오직 존만 떠났다. = Only John left.

만 can be also used for nominalized verbs.(Nouns - Nominalizing Verbs) In this case, 만 했다 is attched after a nominalized verb.


나는 먹기만 했다. = I did only eating.

폴은 1(일)주일 동안 한국어 공부하기만 했다. = Paul, for a week, did only studying Korean.

동물원에서 본 코알라는 자기만 했다. = The koala, which I saw at the zoo, did only sleeping.

동물원에서 본 코알라 = The koala, which I saw at the zoo
For a detailed explanation of the descriptive verb, see (Verbs - Descriptive I)


  1. This study guide is very helpful for me. Thank you!!

  2. Thank you for posting this! I reviewed some of the lessons on your site and they're very helpful. I still have a long way to go before I can really say I'm good with Korean but I think your site will be a big help so thanks a lot!

  3. 오직 나만 먹었다 << i don't understand this sentences. why there are 2 'only' in the sentences오직 and 만???

  4. wow this is awesome, just what i looking for
    i will go to korea next month :)

  5. thank you, but I wish there was only Korean in the audio, gets too confusing mixing languages when you're learning :-(
