
Particles - 께/에게/한테

Particles - 께/에게/한테 [Dative Particle]

The dative particle, 에게/한테, is mainly used for someone/something to whom you are giving something. 께 is a honorific form, 에게 is a formal form and 한테 is an informal form.

Eg. 1
아버지께 선물을 드렸다 = To my father, I gave a present.

아버지 = Father
선물 = present
드리다 = give (honorific form)
드렸다 = gave (honorific form)

아빠에게 선물을 드렸다 = To my dad, I gave a present.

아빠 = Dad
선물 = present
드리다 = give (honorific form)
드렸다 = gave (honorific form)

누나한테 물을 주었다. = To older sister, I gave water

누나 = older sister
물 = water
주다 = give
주었다 = gave

(으)로부터/에게서/한테서 is used when you are receiving something from someone. Again, (으)로부터 is an honorific form, 에게서 is formal and 한테서 is informal.


대통령으로부터 상을 받았다 = From the president, I received a prize.


엄마에게서 편지를 받았다 = From mum, I received a letter

엄마 = mum
편지 = letter
받다 = receive
받았다 = received

Eg. 2
형한테서 소식을 들었다 = From older brother, I heard news

형 = older brother
소식 = news
듣다 = hear
들었다 = heard


  1. I have been studying Korean grammar on my own for over a year, and your blog is the first and only place where I have found the honorific form of "from" in Korean! My Korean co-teachers said that it didn't exist! Thank you so much for this information! Now I know to use, "(으)로부터" when talking about my superiors! Keep up the good work!

  2. ditto... the thanks I mean. This cleared up some misunderstandings I had

  3. Hi Luke !

    You said that 로부터 is the honorific but what about 께서 ? I often heard it in dramas.
    Thanks for your help !

  4. My teacher gave me these sentences but i am confusing about them. Can you help me to clearly explain?
    우리는 선생님께(한테) 한국어를 배워요.
    선생님 께서 말씀 하셨어요.
    선생님 께(한테서) 받았어요.
    These sentences are very different with all
    grammar i read. Thank you..

    1. Na primeira frase: Aprendi coreano do meu professor. O 께 é o "de ou "para" ,com respeito. No caso significa "de", pois o verbo é 받다, receber, logo, quem recebe, recebe "de" alguém.
      Na segunda frase, 께서 é apenas a maneira respeitosa da particula 이 / 가
      A terceira frase: Recebi do meu professor. Neste caso pode-se usar 께 que é a forma respeitosa de "de" ou "para" neste caso significa "de" porque o verbo é "receber" ou usar 한ㅌㅔ서 que significa sempre "de"

    2. 우리는 선생님께(한테) 한국어를 배워요.
      *should be 께서 (honorific form)
      - We learn korean from our teacher.
      선생님 께서 말씀 하셨어요.
      - have a conversation with teacher.
      선생님 께(한테서) 받았어요.
      - got it from teacher.

  5. i think it would be a good idea to put the different particles and words in bold or different colours to make it more visual

  6. thanks i'm Hungarian so that's much easier to understand to me because we use suffixuies and we have these too
